Banana are yellow fruits that look like boomerang, they're sweet and have seeds that are unnoticeable while eating.
Apples are red fruits that have a curvy outside. They also have seeds and taste sweet or sour depending on the breed.
Pears are fruits that have a small top and a big bottom, they either green or yellow depending and the breed. They are often either sweet or sour.
Grapes are small round fruits that can either be green or puple depending on the breed. Grapes are either sour or sweet. They also are attached to branches.
Yes, the tomato is a fruit. It's a red fruit with juicy inside, it's often cooked in soups to add flavor. This taste sour or sometimes sweet.
Blueberries are small fruits with a blue and purple tint on it. The insides are often green though. They're often sweet and sour.